The chemical formula of lapis is Na6Ca2(Al 6Si6O24)S2-Cl2. Its hardness is from 5 to 6 and the places where it is mostly found are Russia, Chile, Afghanistan, Argentina. Its colour is deep indigo blue with golden spots. It belongs to the throat chakra and the third eye.
Lapis is one of the most sought after stone in human history. In ancient times, lapis lazuli was valued because of its beautiful colour, especially in Egypt, but also because of the ultramarine dye that was derived from it. The name lapis lazuli comes from Latin, meaning “stone” and Persian lazhuward, meaning “blue”. Actually, lapis isn`t a stone but a rock formed by multiple minerals, mostly Lazurite, Sodalite, Calcite and Pyrite (which gives gold flecks to lapis). Lower-grade lapis is lighter blue with more white than gold flecks and is sometimes called denim lapis.
In Ancient Egypt, the dead were buried with lapis lazuli stone jewelry and other adornments to protect them in the afterlife. It is the gemstone most commonly carved into the shape of an eye and then decorated with pure gold, typical of the ornaments found in tombs of the Pharaos.
One old folk tale says that if you dream of lapis stone, the person you love will be true to you forever, never straying and never breaking your heart.
This stone establishes harmony of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The lack of balance among these levels may result in depression, unhealthiness and feeling a lack of purpose.
Lapis lazuli encourages taking control of your life. It encourages self-awareness and the ability to express your attitude without self-restraint or compromise. If suppressed anger causes difficulties in the throat or communication, lapis lazuli eliminates it.
Lapis also stimulates thoughts and mind, bringing objectivity and clarity. It encourages creativity through the connection with the source. Lapis helps you to confront with the truth. It helps you express your opinion freely and teaches you to listen actively.
Lapiz lazuli reinforces the bonds of love and friendship and encourages you to express your feelings and emotions. It breaks cruelty and suffering, frees you from martyrdom and emotional attachment.
Lapis Lazuli, with its deep blue hue and golden flecks, is a captivating gemstone known for its use in jewelry and art since ancient times. It symbolizes wisdom, truth, and power, making it a popular choice for those seeking both beauty and meaning in their Lapis Lazuli Stone gemstones.