Rose quartz, the stone that a lot of things were said about and which is, also, the most wanted of all the gemstones. Let's explain why it is so.

Use this stone if you want to attract love into your life. Put it in the corner of love in your home or simply keep it next to your bed and love will soon walk into your life. It may be a new love or it can, simply, help you love yourself more and gain more confidence.
If you are already in a relationship, the stone will help you improve communication and trust between you and your loved one.
Rose quartz encourages empathy and sensitivity and helps you to accept the necessary changes. It is an excellent stone for a middle - age crisis. It will help you to overcome problems and get out of difficult situations with as little damage as possible, or to accept situations that can not be changed and end bad relationships as painlessly as possible.
This stone is the best healer of emotions. It releases rage and anger, soothes inner pain and comforts the soul after the loss. It opens your heart for a new love, heals your grief if you have experienced love and lost it. Rose quartz teaches you how to love yourself, which is very important if you consider yourself to be a person that is impossible to be loved. You can not accept love from others if you do not love yourself. It encourages forgiveness and self-acceptance.
In the physical level, rose quarts makes your heart and blood vessels stronger and removes impurities from the body fluids. Put it on the thymus and it will help with lung and chest problems. It heals kidneys and adrenal glands and relieves dizziness. It is also said that this stone increases fertility. Rose quartz is useful in Alzheimer`s and Parkinson`s disease, as well as senile dementia.
If you wear a necklace, then try to carry rose quartz over your heart. If you treat chakras with it, then put it on the heart or thymus. You can put rose quartz tumbled stone in the corner of love in your house.
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