Thursday, 17 September 2015


Rock crystal or clear quartz is a universal stone for energy cleansing of all levels, from space we live in, our physical body, all the organs, to the emotional and mental levels.

That is the stone  a lot has been written about, the stone which is used in crystal therapy a lot, as well as in jewelry making and finally, the stone without which there would be no story about minerals and healing stones.

Rock crystal quartz removes blockages, turns negative energy into positive, strengthens the whole body. It also increases the effect of all other healing stones. It is suitable for blood vessels, heart, stabilizes blood pressure.

Rock crystal is clear and can be found in the form of a point, clusters or irregular shapes of all sizes. It can be pointed on one or both sides, it can have fossil remains in its interior, which is visible since the rock crystal is clear, it can have bubbles inside or some other forms such as a key, spirit, mountain eye, bridge. The stone is known by the name of quartz, rock quartz, mountain quartz, crystal quartz, colorless flint. The most popular name is rocky quartz crystal. It is the stone that is easily accessible all over the world. The main sites are in Madagascar, Brazil, the US, Mexico, the Alps, India, Australia, Russia, Czech Republic and Hungary, but in smaller quantities it can also be found in other countries of the world, including Serbia.

Due to its unique crystal structure quartz is the stone that boosts energy and healing most. The Kirlian camera has shown that holding the rock crystal in your hand doubles your biomagnetic energy field. Rock crystal protects against radiation, disperses static electricity, protects against electrical smog and other pollutants.

Rock crystal is an excellent for energy saving so that you can attach it to the fuel supply in your car and it will reduce fuel consumption.

Since it contains all possible colours, rock crystal affects all levels of existence. It has the ability to retain information and is, therefore, the most efficient receiver for programming and, as such, is used in crystal therapy and meditation. These properties make it the stone that is most associated with the spiritual world. It cleans the aura, enhances the vibration on the spiritual level, brings the human mind to an altered state of consciousness. It is perfect for focusing affirmations and prayers. It is good for all chakras and all the astrological signs. Rock crystal restores lost memories, solves problems, discourages negativity, rediscovers our abilities that we thought were lost, increases our extrasensory abilities. This stone will not allow you to self-pity but will help you to overcome traumatic experiences from your childhood and gain more self-esteem. It makes the prayers, your wishes and positive visualization even stronger.

At the physical level, rock crystal is good for reducing fever, swelling and diarrhea. It stimulates the immune system and acts as a prevention against serious diseases. This stone cleans blood vessels, facilitates heartbeat, prevents heart attacks, brings oxygen to the brain, stabilizes blood pressure.
In combination with hematite, which is grounding stone, rock crystal strengthens the energy field in meditation.

Since rock crystal quartz has the option of accepting the energy of other crystals, it can also replace other crystals in healing and this is why it is used for cleaning other stones. Moreover, its energy agrees with the energy of most of other healing stones.

Rock crystal can be cleaned under running water for 2-5 minutes. If it is in the form of a point then you should turn the point side down. If you have just purchased the rock crystal, it should be first placed to sit in the bowl with sea salt for 24 hours before it is cleansed under running water. Rock crystal is regenerated in the sun for 1 or 2 hours.

For deep body cleansing only use clear rock crystal pieces which should be regenerated in the early morning sun or late afternoon sun before setting.

The elixir made of rock crystal is used for rapidly restoring physical strength. 


GORSKI KRISTAL  ili providni kvarc je univerzalan kamen za energetsko čćenje svih nivoa, od fizičkog prostora u kome boravimo, preko našeg fizičkog tela, svih organa, do emotivnog i mentalnog nivoa.

To je kamen o kome se najviše pisalo, kamen koji se najviše koristi u kristaloterapiji, kao i za izradu nakita i na kraju kamen bez koga ne bi postojala priča o mineralima i lečenju kristalima.
Gorski kristal otklanja blokade, pretvara negativnu energiju u pozitivnu, jača ceo organizam. On takođe pojačava dejstvo svih ostalih kristala. Pogodan je za krvne sudove, za srce, stabilizuje krvni pritisak.

Gorski kristal je prozračan a može se naći u obliku špiceva, grozdova ili nepravilnih oblika, u svim veličinama. Može biti špicast sa jedne ili sa obe strane, može imati ostatke fosila u svojoj unutrašnjosti, što se i vidi jer je on proziran, može imati i mehuriće ili neki drugi oblik poput ključa, duha, gorskog oka, mosta itd.  Poznat je pod imenom kvarc, stenoviti kvarc, planinski kvarc, kvarcni kristal, bezbojni kremen i vrlo popularno, gorski kristal. To je kamen koji je u većoj meri lako dostupan i ima ga širom sveta. Veća nalazišta su mu na Madagaskaru, Brazilu, SAD-u, Meksiku, Alpima, Indiji, Austaliji, Rusiji, Češkoj i Mađarskoj, ali ga u manjim količinama ima i u drugim zemljama sveta, pa i u Srbiji.

Zbog svoje jedinstvene kristalne strukture gorski kristal najviše pojačava energiju i isceljenje. Kirilijanova kamera je pokazala da držanje gorskog kristala u rukama udvostručava biomagnetno polje te osobe. Gorski kristal štiti od radijacije, raspršuje statički elektricitet, štiti od električnog smoga i drugih zagađenja.

Gorski kristal je odličan za štednju energije pa ga možete prikačiti na dovod goriva u kolima, pri čemu on tada smanjuje potrošnju goriva.
Pošto sadrži sve moguće boje, gorski kristal deluje na svim nivoima postojanja. On ima mogućnost da sačuva informacije pa je zbog toga najefikasniji prijemnik za programiranje i kao takav se koristi u kristaloterapiji i za meditacije. Zbog tih svojih osobina ovo je kamen koji se najviše povezuje sa duhovnim svetom. On čisti auru, pojačava vibraciju na duhovnom nivou, dovodi ljudsku svest u povišeno stanje svesnosti. Savršen je za fokusiranje afirmacija i molitvi. Dobar je za sve čakre i sve astrološke znakove. Vraća izgubljena sećanja, rešava probleme, odvraća od negativnosti, ponovo otkriva naše sposobnosti za koje smo mislili da su izgubljene, povećava naše nadčulne sposobnosti. Ovaj kamen vam neće dozvoliti da se samosažaljevate već će vam pomoći da se izlečite od traumatičnih iskustava iz detinjstva i da podignete svoje samopouzdanje. Pojačava molitve, želje i pozitivnu vizuelizaciju.

Kod fizičkog iseljivanja, dobar je za smanjenje groznice, oteklina i dijareje. Stimuliše imuni sistem i deluje preventivno protiv najtežih bolesti. Odlično čisti krvne sudove, olakšava rad srca, sprečava infarkt, dovodi kiseonik u mozak, stabilizuje krvni pritisak.

Zajedno sa hematitom, koji je uzemljujući kamen,  jača energetsko polje u meditaciji.

Pošto ima mogućnost prihvatanja energije drugih kristala on takođe može zameniti druge kristale, stoga se i koristi za čišćenje drugih kristala i slaže se sa većinom njih.

Kada se energetski zaprlja, gorski kristal se čisti pod mlazom vode 2-5 min. Ako ima špic, onda se taj špic okrene nadole. Ako je tek kupljen, onda se prvo položi u morsku so 24 sata pa se tek onda prazni pod mlazom vode. Regeneriše se na suncu od jedan do dva sata.

Za duboko telesno čišćenje koriste se najprovidniji komadi gorskog kristala, koji se pune na ranom jutarnjem ili kasnom zalazećem suncu.
Eliksir od gorskog kristala služi za brzo obnavljanje telesne snage.